

Jason Tangalin and Pono Ma3hews co-founders of Foil Fever.

It all started with two local boys from Kaua`i who had vision, passion and love for the ocean. With strong values and determinaIon, Foil Fever was formed. A group of hydro board foiling enthusiasts that love the sport and teach the importance of ocean safety while foiling.

`Ohana is Everything to these two Kaua`i born naIves! Jason and Pono – uncle and nephew – both graduates of Kaua`i High School, semi-pro surfers, foilers, comedians, models, and innovators, know that going through hard Imes helped them find who they were meant to be, true ambassadors of Aloha, sharing their skills with the next generaIon and teaching others the importance of ocean

safety while foiling. Everyday is a journey, living life to its fullest and loving their `Ohana is what they do on a daily basis.

Before devoIng their Ime to Foil Fever and the love of foiling, you would find Jason “Tango” or Pono at their favorite surf spot on Kaua`i, Kalapaki. If not there, “anywhere get waves”. Jason was in the Navy as a Chief Diver for 21 years. AZer reIring with numerous medals of honor at the early age of 41, Jason decided he wanted more in life. He and Pono found the sport of foiling and aZer a short while became very skilled and got the foil fever.

If they are not in the ocean, you will find them on the beach cleaning it up! Teaching others how to care for the Āina is part of their core values. PosiIve living and sustainability is vital so the next generaIon can enjoy our beauIful beaches. Life is about choices, your acIons, and inspiring others. Their core values include, giving back to the Āina and the ocean.

Giving back is in their DNA! In 2018, they held the first ever Kaua`i Classic Kalapaki Bay Foil Challenge. The event was well a3ended by foil enthusiasts, Kupuna, Keiki and the public from all over Hawai`i. They donated a porIon of the proceeds to the Kaua`i Lifeguard AssociaIon, a non-profit who’s mission is “saving lives” and supports our Ocean Safety Bureau by buying safety equipment for our lifeguards, providing Jr. and Keiki programs teaching them lifelong ocean safety skills and keeping our beaches safe!

They are sponsored by companies they believe in and stand in line with their beliefs. Their unique style and personality will keep you intrigued and laughing when you are around them. Jason and Pono have hearts of gold for those they love and would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it.